As many of you know, I had to have my left hip replaced in May of 2009 due to advanced osteo-arthritis. While many health issues may be improved or prevented by making healthy choices, some are just the result of…
Last week we rolled out the RED CARPET to 9 women who are transforming their lives with the Pilates Fat Loss Formula Our Supermodels strutted their stuff in our Fab, Fit and Frocked Fashion Show to benefit New House Shelter. …
If you think taking a trip is an excuse for excess, I can tell you, Paleo is alive and well on the road! It’s been 11 days since Herb and I left for our trip to the Northwest and we…
On the way to Herb’s family reunion in Columbia, we decided to take a side trip to the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Herb grew up as a Future Farmer of America and I’d been a former resident of Sedalia,…
Now I know what you’re thinking- Are you kidding me Tina? Crocs? Aren’t those the shoes you wear to garden in? The shoes you so often see paired with those darling hospital scrubs? Why, you ask, would any self respecting…
Pilates 1901 Gives You New Reason’s to Stay Positive If you’re anything like me, you get a little stressed out and your attitude of gratitude may take a little beating. In fact, sometimes that positive outlook is as missing as…
Did you know Jack could do the teaser too? All kidding aside, that’s about it. I only wish I could say there was more. I couldn’t let this week pass without paying homage to a truly fabulous man, an inspirational…